Annie Clement – Office: M2403H
507- 280-3183 •
2016 Outstanding Educator Award Recipient
Common courses include:
COMM 1000 Introduction to Workplace Communication
COMM 1130 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1114 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Lori Halverson-Wente – Office: M2403J,
507-285-7553 •
Common courses include:
COMM 1130 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1114 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 2100 Intercultural Communication
Taresa Tweeten – Office: M2403C
507-280-3140 •
Common courses include:
COMM 1114 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 1125 Oral Interpretation
Dan West – Office: 2403E
507-285-7166 •
Common courses include:
COMM 1130 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1114 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 1110 Mass Communication
COMM 1337 Social Media
COMM 1106 Cinema As Communication
Karin Wright – Office: M2303G
507-280-2966 •
Communication Studies Division Chair
2020 Outstanding Educator Award Recipient
Common courses include:
COMM 1130 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1114 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 2130 Team/Small Group Communication
Part-Time Faculty
Grace Geier Olive – Office: M2403F
507-280-2881 •